

In this link ​http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/polonia/polonia-en-360/fitxa/113000/ you will find an example of the type of content we are working in ImAc to make it accessible.
​From a mobile with VR glasses ​

Mòbil més realitat virtual

Samsung Gear VR

​and a compatibel mobile and Oculus latest version
​If you are watching from a PC with a mouse, just reproduce the video and keeping the mous clicked move around.


Click here (https://lab.irt.de/object-based-radio-drama/) for a demo of IRT’s object-based browser rendering framework which is capable of advanced interaction / personalization features such as switch-groups and gain adjustment for certain objects. In the demo you can test seamless language selection (German/English) and a customizable adjustment of the narrator’s level for a radio drama.