Anglatecnic has installed in April the ImAc platform for two broadcasters: Corporació Valenciana de Mitjans de Comunicació (CVMC) and Televisión Autonómica de Aragón (TVAA). The agreement between these two broadcasters and several ImAc partners consists of a trial service of the ImAc platform during the year 2020, with training and support. The ImAc platform consists … Continue reading “ImAc platform installed for Corporació Valenciana de Mitjans de Comunicació (CVMC) and Televisión Autonómica de Aragón (TVAA)”
Author: John Paton
Invitation to try the future of Access Services
ImAc, an EU Funded project, has imagined how access services such as subtitles and sign language will work with immersive content (360 degree video and virtual reality). By testing different scenarios in pilots spanning three countries we have settled on the answer and are inviting people to give us their views. The ImAc project has … Continue reading “Invitation to try the future of Access Services”