Immersive Accessibility Project: Dissemination Plan (Version 1)

As in any project, Dissemination is one of the most dynamic activities in the Immersive Accessibility Project (ImAc) and this document sets out the activities planned as part of it. These activities aim to promote the project and make results available to relevant stakeholders from academia and the industry through the course of this 30-month project.


It must be noted that this is the first version of Deliverable 6.1 of the ImAc Project.  Other iterations of this document are to follow in months 15 and 30. As the project has only been underway for a few months, the first version of D6.1 is intended to primarily address the communication and standardisation strategies that should be pursued within the project.


ImAc Dissemination Plan (Version 1)


ImAc has also signed up to European Commission’s new service that encourages projects to come together to identify a common portfolio of results and shows them how best to disseminate to end-users, with an eye on exploitation opportunities. To this end, ImAc will undertake joint dissemination activities with the other two H2020 ICT19 accessibility projects: Easy TV and Content 4All.



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