IMAC presented Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2019

The Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an event that takes place every year all around the world and aims at raising awareness about the importance of digital accessibility for a more inclusive society.

For the second year, the TransMedia Catalonia research group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona will celebrate the Global Accessibility Awareness Day hosting a TransMedia Catalonia Open Day.

Today, May 16th, from 10:00 to 13:00, TransMedia Catalonia opened the doors of its laboratory to all.

After being welcomed with a hot beverage, visitors had the chance to meet our researchers and discuss with them the key aspects and social implications of digital and media accessibility.

Visitors learnt about research projects TransMedia Catalonia is currently working on and discover the latest accessibility progresses in the areas of immersive technologies, audio description, subtitling, audio subtitling, electrophysiological research, quality, easy-to-read, and crowdsourcing for sign language. They will be able to try the cutting-edge technologies of the laboratory, including eye tracking, as well as access the latest innovation in professional training by exploring the open educational contents produced by the research group.

One of the activities on the TransMedia Catalonia Open Day 2019 was organised in collaboration with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB, UK). Visitors had a chance to test the Eyeware App. Eyeware is an Augmented Reality-based application available for iOS and Android that allows the user to experience the surrounding environment while simulating one of the six most common eye conditions.


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