The EU H2020 ImAc project has been pioneering in addressing the accessibility requirements for immersive media environments, with a particular focus on VR360 video and spatial audio. Beyond adopting a user-centric methodology, a key premise in ImAc has been to maximize backward-compliance with traditional resources and services, and this requires an in-depth analysis of existing … Continue reading “White Paper: Recommendations for Immersive Accessibility Services”
Born Accessible policy paper now available.
ImAc is one of the projects behind “Born Accessible” Policy Paper written by Pilar Orero for the Accessibility Day at the European Parliament 2020. The event was going to take place on 17th March but has been rescheduled for next Autumn. The Policy Paper identifies and examines the EU policies which relate to accessing ICT media content, specifically … Continue reading “Born Accessible policy paper now available.”
ImAc platform installed for Corporació Valenciana de Mitjans de Comunicació (CVMC) and Televisión Autonómica de Aragón (TVAA)
Anglatecnic has installed in April the ImAc platform for two broadcasters: Corporació Valenciana de Mitjans de Comunicació (CVMC) and Televisión Autonómica de Aragón (TVAA). The agreement between these two broadcasters and several ImAc partners consists of a trial service of the ImAc platform during the year 2020, with training and support. The ImAc platform consists … Continue reading “ImAc platform installed for Corporació Valenciana de Mitjans de Comunicació (CVMC) and Televisión Autonómica de Aragón (TVAA)”
ImAc production tools and player demonstrated at EBU BroadThinking
On 25 March 2020, during the EBU BroadThinking conference, ImAc partners successfully presented the production tools – specifically the web editors – and the ImAc player to the audience. BroadThinking 2020 is a key event for broadcast specialists working on online services and online content delivery and is organised on a yearly basis by EBU … Continue reading “ImAc production tools and player demonstrated at EBU BroadThinking”
Invitation to try the future of Access Services
ImAc, an EU Funded project, has imagined how access services such as subtitles and sign language will work with immersive content (360 degree video and virtual reality). By testing different scenarios in pilots spanning three countries we have settled on the answer and are inviting people to give us their views. The ImAc project has … Continue reading “Invitation to try the future of Access Services”
ImAc attended the “Master in Audiovisual Translation and New Technologies” event organized by the Higher Institute of Linguistic Studies (ISTRAD) and the University of Cadiz
The subtitle web editor developed by our partner Anglatècnic in the ImAc project, was presented at the “Master in Audiovisual Translation and New Technologies” event organized by ISTRAD (Higher Institute of Linguistic Studies) in Sevilla (Spain). Javier Rebollo, from AMPERSOUND Translate Media, is a professional translator and subtitler who previously participated in the ImAc professional … Continue reading “ImAc attended the “Master in Audiovisual Translation and New Technologies” event organized by the Higher Institute of Linguistic Studies (ISTRAD) and the University of Cadiz”
ImAc co-organizes the “First International Workshop on Tools for Creating XR Media Experiences”
In a joint effort with the EU H2020 VR-Together ( and Hyper360 ( projects, ImAc will co-organize the “First International Workshop on Tools for Creating XR Media Experiences”, co-located with the IEEE ICME 2020 conference (, to be held in London (July 2020). Detailed information about the workshop can be found at its website: … Continue reading “ImAc co-organizes the “First International Workshop on Tools for Creating XR Media Experiences””
IMX Conference Workshop on XR Accessibility
Workshop Organizers Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Verizon Media | XR Access Initiative About the Workshop The XR Access Initiative, partnered with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to conduct a workshop on accessibility in augmented and virtual reality and 360 video at IMX 2020. It will feature papers from researchers about the best practices and solutions for designing … Continue reading “IMX Conference Workshop on XR Accessibility”
ImAc featured in the January 2020 Issue of the Research*EU Magazine
The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission’s primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation ( Its mission is to bring research results to professionals in different fields to foster open science, contribute to the creation of innovative products and services … Continue reading “ImAc featured in the January 2020 Issue of the Research*EU Magazine”
ImAc Cross National Pilots in the UK- RNIB
The Immersive Accessibility Project is a European project which aims to find the best way to incorporate audio description and spoken subtitles into virtual reality and 360° video content, for people who are blind, or partially sighted, deaf and hard-of hearing. To do so, we’ve developed the ImAc player which has different types of audio … Continue reading “ImAc Cross National Pilots in the UK- RNIB”